What is Site Jacker?

Site Jacker allows users to create customized popup campaigns that can be displayed on their websites using iframes. You can control the appearance, behavior, and content of these popups using various settings.

How to Create a Campaign

  1. Login to Site Jacker
  2. Click on “Create Campaign”
  3. Fill in the required details under General Settings
  4. Customize your popup using Overlay Settings and Design Settings
  5. Add content under Content Settings
  6. Configure social media metadata in Meta Settings
  7. Click “Update Link” to save your campaign

General Settings

These settings define the basic details of your popup campaign.

  • Title: Name your campaign
  • URL Slug: Custom URL identifier
  • Site URL: The website where the popup will be displayed

Overlay Settings

These settings control how your popup appears on the screen.

  • Overlay Position: Select where the popup will appear (e.g., Top Left, Center, Bottom Right)
  • Overlay Delay: Set a delay (in seconds) before the popup appears
  • Close Button: Enable or disable the close button
  • Close Button Position: Set where the close button appears (e.g., Top Right Corner)
  • Overlay Width & Height: Define the size of the popup
  • Width & Height Dimension: Choose between percentage or pixels
  • Border Radius: Adjust the roundness of popup corners
  • Radius Dimension: Select the unit for radius (pixels or percentage)

Design Settings

Customize the look and feel of your popup.

  • Background Color: Select a background color
  • Background Opacity: Adjust transparency (0-1)
  • Border Size: Set the thickness of the popup border
  • Border Color: Choose the border color
  • Opacity: Adjust overall opacity of the popup
  • Show Borders: Toggle visibility of top, right, bottom, and left borders
  • Background Image Selection Mode: Choose between an existing image or upload a new one
  • Background Repeat: Select background image repetition mode

Content Settings

Define the content inside your popup.

  • Overlay Content: Use the rich text editor to add text, images, and links
  • Overlay Padding: Adjust spacing inside the popup
  • Display Animation: Choose animation effects (e.g., shake, fade-in)
  • Special Display: Select special display options (if applicable)

Meta Settings

Optimize your popup for social media sharing.

  • Facebook OG Title: Set the title for Open Graph (OG) metadata
  • Facebook OG Site Name: Specify the site name for OG metadata
  • Facebook OG Description: Provide a brief description for OG metadata
  • Facebook OG Image URL: Enter a URL for the OG image

Managing Your Campaigns

  1. Edit Campaigns: Go to the Campaign List, select a campaign, and modify settings.
  2. Delete Campaigns: Remove campaigns that are no longer needed.
  3. Preview Popup: Before updating, preview how the popup will look.